How to Decapitate the Serpent: Life-Saving Protocol by Dr. Zelenko

Earth is being threatened by a dangerous serpent that has twisted around us and threatened to suffocate us. The world faces an unprecedented catastrophe as a result of the “coronavirus” pandemic, caused by the extremely contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is causing the COVID-19 crisis. This pandemic has disrupted our lives in ways we never imagined.

This worldcoronavirus has infected millions of people and killed hundreds of thousands, with no end in sight. However, there is a way to decapitate this serpent, and it comes from the wisdom and experience of a courageous doctor named Vladimir Zelenko from the Zelenko Labs LLC.

Who is Dr. Zelenko? 

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, also known as Zev or Dr. Zalenski, was a board-certified physician in the USA and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee. His groundbreaking COVID-19 early treatment techniques have been acknowledged for saving millions of lives. Sadly, Dr. Zelenko passed away in June 2022, leaving behind his wife and eight children, as well as his legacy project, the Zelenko Freedom Foundation. 

This organization is dedicated to innovative health technologies and treatments to help individuals who are willing to “decapitate the serpent,” as Dr. Zelenka put it. Dr. Zelenko is a board-certified family physician in Monroe, New York, who has been on the front lines of the pandemic since the early days of March 2020.

Pioneer of Early Covid-19 Treatment

Dr Vladimir has treated over 6,000 patients with COVID-19 and achieved a remarkable success rate of over 99%, using a simple and safe protocol of early intervention with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin. This protocol, known as the Zelenko Protocol, has been validated by many other doctors and studies and has become a beacon of hope in the midst of despair.

The Zelenko Protocol is not a magic bullet or a panacea but a rational and evidence-based approach to treating COVID-19 before it progresses to severe or critical stages. The key to the protocol is early intervention, which means starting treatment within the first five days of symptoms, ideally within the first 24-36 hours. 

The rationale behind the early intervention is to prevent the viral infection from multiplying and spreading throughout the body and to boost the immune system to fight off the virus.

The Zelenko Protocol

The Zelenko Protocol or z-stack protocol consists of three main components: 

  • Hydroxychloroquine, 
  • Zinc (zinc sulfate and zinc gluconate), and 
  • Azithromycin

SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to be inhibited in vitro by hydroxychloroquine, which inhibits the replication of the virus, meaning it has the potential to stop the infection or virus from spreading in the body.

In combination with azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine has been associated with a reduction in viral load and symptom improvement in some studies. Zinc is a mineral that is required for a variety of physiological functions, including immune function. It has antiviral properties that can inhibit viral replication. 

Azithromycin is an antibiotic that has both antibacterial and antiviral properties. It can help reduce the risk of secondary bacterial infections and modulate the immune response. 

The Zelenko Protocol (zstack protocol) is not only effective but also safe. The risk of serious adverse effects is low, especially when used in the short term and under medical supervision. 

The Zelenko Protocol (dr zelenko z stack) is not a substitute for preventative measures such as masks, social distancing, and hygiene. It is also not a substitute for vaccination, which is a crucial public health measure to develop immune systems and decrease pathogen propagation. 

The main side effects of hydroxychloroquine are gastrointestinal upset and skin rash, which can be managed with dose adjustments or discontinuation. The risk of heart rhythm disturbances, which has been a concern for some, is also low, especially when used in combination with zinc and azithromycin, which have complementary mechanisms of action.

However, the Zelenko Protocol can complement these measures and provide a lifeline for those who are infected or at high risk of infection, such as the elderly, immunocompromised, or frontline workers.

One Of The Most Efficient Viral Treatments

The Zelenko Protocol is not a fringe or quack treatment but a legitimate and rational approach to treating COVID-19 based on the best available evidence and clinical experience. It has been endorsed by many doctors, scientists, and public figures, including former President Trump, who received the protocol himself and called it a “game-changer.” The protocol has also been recognized by the AASP (American Association of Physicians and Surgeons) and the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

But the effectiveness of this protocol is not just based on theory. Dr. Zelenko has treated over 6,000 COVID-19 patients with his protocol, with remarkable results. His patients have experienced a 99.3% survival rate and an 84% reduction in hospitalizations.

It’s not just Dr. Zelenko who is promoted for early treatment. The Frontline COVID-19 AAPS also recognizes the importance of early treatment for COVID-19. By following Dr. Zelenko’s “How to Decapitate The Serpent” protocol, you can join the fight against COVID-19 and protect yourself and your loved ones from the worst outcomes of this disease.

Supplements by Vladimir Zelenko MD

You will get to know about the inspiration behind these popular supplements in this book, “How to Decapitate The Serpent.” How did he get the aspiration to help people with his supplements? z stack vitamins, including kid z stack, are the most popular among them. Listed below are the top-selling and most popular supplements on the market under Zelenko’s treatment protocol

  1. Z-Stack Vitamin
  2. Z-Flu Gummies
  3. Kid Z-Stack Gummies
  4. Z-Shield
  5. Z-Dtox
  6. Z-Flu

All of these supplements are combined with powerful ingredients designed to support the immune system and protect the body against any virus infection. Z-Dtox mainly works as detoxifying the body along with boosting immune function. 

For children, Dr. Zelenko has developed the Kid Z-Stack Gummies, which is a specially formulated blend of vitamins and minerals designed to support immune function in children. The gummies contain vitamins C and D3, zinc, and quercetin, among other essential nutrients.


This exceptional book, written by an exceptional man during a pivotal moment in his life, is truly awe-inspiring. The protocols developed by Dr. Zelenko have saved hundreds of millions of dollars, despite constant criticism and censorship. Even in 2023, I find it surprising how many people I meet are unaware of his work and are unaware of his professional career. 

Zelenko: How to Decapitate the Serpent is a book that will help you to know about him. Zev Zelenko used the last years of his life to tirelessly fight for the well-being of others, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting his exceptional moral values to society. 

Frequently asked questions

Q: Who is Dr. Zelenko, and what is he known for?

Ans: Dr. Zelenko is a physician based in the USA, who gained attention in the media for his treatment protocol for COVID-19 patients.

Q: What is how to decapitate the serpent about? 

Ans: A book has been written about the life and career of Dr. Zelenko, detailing his treatment protocol for COVID-19 and his battle against lung cancer.

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Zelenko Protocols